The Archives owns a compilation of poetry titled Beihai tijin ji (lit. “collection of bosom thoughts of Beihai”), which includes works of Ta-kang Yu (1908–1977) from Rouhan ji, Kan Lao (1907–2003) from Jianshu ji, Pan Chen (1905–1999) from Shu Tonggao guan ji, and Chin-hua Li (?–?) from Mingbian zhai shi cao. These four IHP research fellows all worked at Jingxin Studio in Beihai, Beijing, during the 1930s—thus the name of the work. Lao’s seal and an inscription by Chen can both be found in the book, suggesting that it was likely owned by one of them or presented to the other as a gift. Regarding the works themselves, this collection features a diverse number of subjects such as sceneries, farewells, reflections, miscellaneous sentiments, and elegies. It thus provides us with details on social and scholar networks in Beijing at that time, and uniquely reflects a poetic tradition within the early IHP beyond our empirical studies. For more on the story of Beihai tijin ji, see Peng-cheng Kung’s article “The Voices of Beihai at Academia Sinica, Taiwan” (in Chinese).