The Archives is in possession of a register of signatures, which has been titled Xiaoxia yaji (lit. “literary gathering for spending the summer”). 
The signatures are those of participants of a “quhui” Kunqu Opera group, which was organized by enthusiasts wishing to gather and perform the style of opera together. At each gathering, a register was prepared in which attending members were asked to sign their name and write down any songs they wanted to perform. After Fang-kuei Li (1902–1987) and his wife returned to Taiwan in 1978, educator and politician Chiang Fu-tsung (1898–1990) organized the “Xiaoxia yaji” meetups at the former’s residence on Sundays in the afternoon. Looking at this register, “Xiaoxia yaji” gathered five times from July 16 to August 13. The contents record the recreational activities and social networks of contemporary scholars, as well as providing us a glimpse into “quhui” and related activities in Taiwan.