Former Director Chi Li of the IHP is renowned for his academic efforts and achievements in archaeology for the excavation of the Yinxu site in Anyang. But in addition, Dr. Li had obtained his PhD in anthropology at Harvard University and specialized in physical anthropology. One of his great ambitions was to measure the brain of the Chinese people and then compare the resulting data with other races, thus ascertaining their position within the evolutionary hierarchy. When Dr. Li held the chair of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at NTU, with the support of the university, his team conducted physical measurements on the freshman class of NTU in 1951 to analyze “our oriental body,” namely to learn the biological elements of the Chinese people, and then published the data in the university journal in 1952. The Archives, IHP, owns a copy of said issue, which was preserved by Prof. Yih-fu Ruey and includes his sketches and highlights.